Changgui ZHANG
Professor of Mathematics, USTL, France
Tel : +0033 320434228 ; Fax : 0033 320434302.
- Themes
What is a q-Difference Equation ?
How to get the sum of $1+2+2^4+2^9+2^16+...+2^{n^2}+...$ ?
- Articles
- Colloques
Differential and Difference Equations:
Analyse, Arithmetic and Galoisian Approaches October 19-23, 2015, Lille.
Dynamical systems and Galoisian theories September 2,3 and 4, 2013, 2013.
French-Chinese School
on Differential and Functional Equations,
April 16th-27th, 2012
Wuhan, China
Journée des équations différentielles et fonctionnelles,du 16 au 18 juin 2010, USTL, France
Some links