2024 volume 10
We provide in this paper the hamiltonian delay equations of motion for the newtonian n-body problem deduced from the quantum calculus of variations developed in Cresson 2005; Cresson, Frederico, and Torres 2009; Ryckelynck and Smoch 2013, 2014. These equations are brought into the usual lagrangian and hamiltonian formulations of the dynamics and yield sampled functional equations involving generalized derivatives. We investigate especially homographic solutions to these equations that we obtain by solving algebraic systems of equations similar to the classical ones. When the potential forces are homogeneous, homographic solutions to the delayed and to the classical equations may be related through an explicit expansion factor that we provide. Consequently, perturbative equations both in lagrangian and hamiltonian formalisms are deduced.
Ebert's hat problem with two colors and equal probabilities has, remarkable, the same optimal winning probability for three and four players. This paper studies Ebert's hat problem for three and four players, where the probabilities of the two colors may be different for each player. Our goal is to maximize the probability of winning the game and to describe winning strategies. We obtain different results for games with three and four players. We use the concept of an adequate set. The construction of adequate sets is independent of underlying probabilities and we can use this fact in the analysis of our general case. The computational complexity of the adequate set method is dramatically lower than by standard methods.
2023 volume 9
Dans la perspective de construire une théorie de Galois infinie pour les extensions non extérieures, nous montrons dans ce texte que le monoïde des endomorphismes d'une $Z$-extension intérieure filtrée s'identifie à la complétion procentrale du groupe de ses automorphismes intérieurs. En particulier, ce monoïde a une structure topologique naturelle qui fait de lui un espace complet et totalement discontinu. In order to build an infinite Galois theory for non-outer extensions, we show that the monoïd of endomorphisms of a filtered inner $Z$-extension identifies with the procentral completion of the group of its inner automorphisms. In particular, this monoid has a natural topological structure for which it is a complete and totally discontinuous space.
Let $H$ be a Hilbert space and $(\Omega,\mathcal{F},\mu)$ a probability space. A Hilbert point in $L^p(\Omega; H)$ is a nontrivial function $\varphi$ such that $\|\varphi\|_p \leq \|\varphi+f\|_p$ whenever $\langle f, \varphi \rangle = 0$. We demonstrate that $\varphi$ is a Hilbert point in $L^p(\Omega; H)$ for some $p\neq2$ if and only if $\|\varphi(\omega)\|_H$ assumes only the two values $0$ and $C>0$. We also obtain a geometric description of when a sum of independent Rademacher variables is a Hilbert point.
In this paper we consider sequences of nonlinear functionals of Gaussian random fields. We prove their convergence to multifractional processes which generalize Hermite processes.
In this work, we numerically investigate how a defect can affect the behavior of traveling explosive solutions of quintic NLS equation in the one-dimensional case. Our numerical method is based on a Crank-Nicolson scheme in the time, finite difference method in space including a Perfectly Matched Layer (PML) treatment for the boundary conditions. It is observed that the defect splits the incident wave in one reflected part and one transmitted part; hence the dynamics of the solution may be changed and the blow-up may be prevented depending on the values of the defect amplitude $Z$. Moreover, it is numerically found that the defect can be considered as a barrier for large $Z$.
Given an unbalanced open quantum graph, we derive a formula relating sums over its scattering resonances with integrals on horizontal lines in the complex plane. We deduce lower bounds on the number of resonances (in bounded regions of the complex plane) that are independent of the size of the graph. We also deduce partial results indicating that Benjamini-Schramm convergence of open quantum graphs should imply convergence of the empirical spectral measures.
Following an idea of J. Shapiro, we give a simple proof of the fact that an element of the Gordon Hedenmalm class $\Phi$ such that $\Phi(\infty)=\infty$ defines a contractive composition operator $C_\Phi$ on the space $\mathcal{H}^2$ of Dirichlet series.
We revisit, in an elementary way, the \emph{classical statement} of various ``Main Conjectures'' for $p$-class groups ${\mathscr{H}}_{ K}$ and $p$-ramified torsion groups ${\mathscr{T}}_{ K}$ of abelian fields $K$, in the non semi-simple case $p \mid [K : \bbQ]$. The classical ``algebraic'' definition of the $p$-adic isotypic components, ${\mathscr{H}}^{\scriptscriptstyle\text{alg}}_{K,\varphi}$, used in the literature, is inappropriate with respect to analytical formulas. For that reason we have introduced, in the 1970's, an ``arithmetic'' definition, ${\mathscr{H}}^{\scriptscriptstyle \mathrm{ar}}_{K,\varphi}$, in perfect correspondence with all analytical formulas and giving a natural ``Main Conjecture'', still unproved for real fields in the non semi-simple case. The two notions coincide for relative class groups ${\mathscr{H}}_{ K}^-$ and groups ${\mathscr{T}}_{ K}$ since transfer maps are injective, in $p$-extensions for these groups, but not necessarily for real class groups. Numerical evidence of the gap between the two notions is given (Examples \vref{Ex1}, \vref{Ex2}) and PARI calculations corroborate that the true Real Abelian Main Conjecture writes $\# {\mathscr{H}}^{\scriptscriptstyle\mathrm{ar}}_{ K,\varphi} = \order ({\mathscr{E}}_{ K} / \widehat{\mathscr{E}}_{ K} \, {\mathscr{F}}_{ K})^{e_{\varphi_0}}$ ($\varphi = \varphi_0^{} \varphi_p$, $\varphi_0^{}$ of prime-to-$p$ order, $\varphi_p$ of $p$-power order, $e_{\varphi_0}$ being the corresponding idempotent), in terms of units ${\mathscr{E}}_{ K}$, $\widehat{\mathscr{E}}_{ K}$ (units of the strict subfields) and ${\mathscr{F}}_{ K}$ (Leopoldt's cyclotomic units). A recent approach, conjecturing the capitulation of ${\mathscr{H}}_{ K}$ in some auxiliary cyclotomic extensions $K(\mu_\ell^{})$, $\ell \equiv 1 \pmod {2p^N}$ prime, proves the difficult non semi-simple real case.
2022 volume 8
In this paper, we study the Cauchy problem of Boltzmann equation with soft potential in modulation spaces. Our aim is to obtain the global existence of solution to the space-homogeneous Boltzmann equation. To realize this goal, the boundedness of Boltzmann operator in modulation space is established. In addition, Banach fixed-point theorem is applied with careful estimate of time integral for the contraction mapping.
In this article, we develop the geometry of canonical stratifications of the spaces $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{0,n}$ and prepare ground for studying the action of the Galois group $Gal ({\overline{\mathbb{Q}}} /\mathbb{Q})$ upon strata. We define and introduce a version of a gravity operad constructed for a class of moduli spaces $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{0,n}$, equipped with a hidden holomorphic involution. This additional symmetry is associated to a split quaternionic structure. We introduce a categorical framework to present this object. Interaction between the geometry, physics and the arithmetics are discussed. An important feature is that 0-divisors of the split quaternion algebra imply additional singular points, and lead to investigations concerning the geometry and mixed Hodge structures.
Building on a result by Tao, we show that a certain type of simple closed curve in the plane given by the union of the graphs of two $1$-Lipschitz functions inscribes a square whose sidelength is bounded from below by a universal constant times the maximum of the difference of the two functions.
The aim of this note is to provide a Master Theorem for some discrete divide and conquer recurrences: \[X_{n}=a_n+\sum_{j=1}^m b_j X_{\lfloor\frac{n}{m_j}\rfloor},\] where the $m_i$'s are integers with $m_i\ge 2$. The main novelty of this work is there is no assumption of regularity or monotonicity for $(a_n)$. Then, this result can be applied to various sequences of random variables $(a_n)_{n\ge 0}$, for example such that $\sup_{n\ge 1}\mathbb{E}(|a_n|)<+\infty$.
We are interested in a sufficient condition given in an article by P. Lefèvre, É. Matheron and A. Primot to obtain the Blum-Hanson property and we then partially answer two questions asked in this same article on other possible conditions to have this property for a separable Banach space.
We give alternative computations of the Schur multiplier of $Sp(2g,\mathbb{Z}/D\mathbb{Z})$, when $D$ is divisible by 4 and $g\geq 4$: a first one using $K$-theory arguments based on the work of Barge and Lannes and a second one based on the Weil representations of symplectic groups arising in abelian Chern-Simons theory. We can also retrieve this way Deligne's non-residual finiteness of the universal central extension $\widetilde{Sp(2g,\mathbb{Z})}$. We prove then that the image of the second homology into finite quotients of symplectic groups over a Dedekind domain of arithmetic type are torsion groups of uniformly bounded size. In contrast, quantum representations produce for every prime $p$, finite quotients of the mapping class group of genus $g\geq 3$ whose second homology image has $p$-torsion. We further derive that all central extensions of the mapping class group are residually finite and deduce that mapping class groups have Serre's property $A_2$ for trivial modules, contrary to symplectic groups. Eventually we compute the module of coinvariants $H_2(\mathfrak{sp}_{2g}(2))_{Sp(2g,\mathbb{Z}/2^k\mathbb{Z})}=\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}$.
We discuss here a classical Crank-Nicolson numerical scheme to approximate the solutions of a nonlinear equation Schrödinger that reads \begin{equation*} u_t-i\partial_x\left( \nu(x)\partial_x u\right)-iu\log |u|^2=0. \end{equation*}
In this survey article, we explore operator aspects in extremal properties of Bernstein-type polynomial inequalities. We shall also see that a linear operator which send polynomials to polynomials and have zero-preserving property naturally preserve Bernstein's inequality.
2021 volume 7
We obtained a moment estimate for the sum of Rademacher random variables under condition that they are dependent in the way that their sum is zero.
Let $A$ be a nonempty finite subset of $\mathbb{Z}^d$ which is not contained in a hyperplane, $q\in\mathbb{Z}$ with $|q|>1$ and $m\in \mathbb{Z}$ such that $|q|+2d-1\leq m\leq (|q|+2d-1)^2$. In this paper it is shown that \begin{equation*} |A+q\cdot A|\geq \left(\frac{m}{|q|+2d-1}\right)|A|-c \end{equation*} where $c$ depends only on $q,d$ and $m$. In particular, taking $m=(|q|+2d-1)^2$, this results confirms a conjecture of A. Balog and G. Shakan.
In this paper, we study a class of convolution operators on the space of distributions that enlarge the well-studied class of passive operators. In this larger class, we are able to associate, to each operator, a holomorphic function in the right half-plane with a specific constraint on its range, determined by the operator. Afterwards, we investigate whether the properties of causality and slow growth hold automatically in our larger class of convolution operators. Finally, an alternative class of convolution operators is also considered.
In this paper, we consider the space of entire functions of minimal type growth for a proximate order. We study the surjectivity of corresponding in- finite order differential equations in the cases of regular singular type and of Korobeı̆nik type.
We obtain expected number of arrivals, absorption probabilities and expected time until absorption for an asymmetric discrete random walk on a graph in the presence of multiple function barriers. On each edge of the graph and in each vertex (barrier) specific probabilities are defined.
Les E- et G-fonctions de Siegel ont été définies en deux sens, strict et large, conjecturalement équivalents. En reprenant et complétant une esquisse d’André, nous énonçons et démontrons l’analogue au sens large du théorème d’André-Chudnovsky-Katz, qui est un théorème de structure sur les G-opérateurs au sens strict (il s’agit d’opérateurs différentiels annulant les G-fonctions au sens strict). Nous en déduisons un théorème de structure sur les E-opérateurs au sens large, qui sont des opérateurs différentiels annulant les E-fonctions au sens large. En application de ce dernier théorème, nous donnons une nouvelle preuve d’une généralisation par André du théorème de Siegel-Shidlovskii sur l’indépendance algébrique des valeurs des E-fonctions au sens large.
In Coulombel (2015) a multiplier technique, going back to Leray and Gård- ing for scalar hyperbolic partial differential equations, has been extended to the context of finite difference schemes for evolutionary problems. The key point of the analysis in Coulombel (2015) was to obtain a discrete energy-dissipation balance law when the initial difference operator is multiplied by a suitable quan- tity (the so-called multiplier). The construction of the energy and dissipation functionals was achieved in Coulombel (2015) under the assumption that all modes were separated. We relax this assumption here and construct, for the same multiplier as in Coulombel (2015), the energy and dissipation functionals when some modes cross. Semigroup estimates for fully discrete hyperbolic initial boundary value problems are deduced in this broader context.
We study the spectra of non-regular semisimple elements in irreducible representations of simple algebraic groups. More precisely, we prove that if $G$ is a simply connected simple linear algebraic group and $\phi:G\to {\mathrm{GL}}(V)$ is a non-trivial irreducible representation for which there exists a non-regular non-central semisimple element $s\in G$ such that $\phi(s)$ has almost simple spectrum, then, with few exceptions, $G$ is of classical type and $\dim V$ is minimal possible. Here the spectrum of a diagonalizable matrix is called \emph{simple} if all eigenvalues are of multiplicity 1, and \emph{almost simple} if at most one eigenvalue is of multiplicity greater than 1. This yields a kind of characterization of the natural representation (up to their Frobenius twists) of classical algebraic groups in terms of the behavior of semisimple elements.
2020 volume 6
Given the notion of suborbifold of the second author (based on ideas of Borzellino/Brunsden) and the classical correspondence (up to certain equivalences) between (effective) orbifolds via atlases and effective orbifold groupoids, we analyze which groupoid embeddings correspond to suborbifolds and give classes of suborbifolds naturally leading to groupoid embeddings.
Given the notion of suborbifold of the second author (based on ideas of Borzellino/Brunsden) and the c Let $\left(\mathcal{H},\left(.,.\right)\right)$ be a Hilbert space and let $\mathcal{L}\left(\mathcal{H}\right)$ be the linear space of bounded operators in $\mathcal{H}$. In this paper, we deal with $\mathcal{L}(\mathcal{H})$-valued function $Q$ that belongs to the generalized Nevanlinna class $\mathcal{N}_{\kappa} (\mathcal{H})$, where $\kappa$ is a non-negative integer. It is the class of functions meromorphic on $C \backslash R$, such that $Q(z)^{*}=Q(\bar{z})$ and the kernel $\mathcal{N}_{Q}\left( z,w \right):=\frac{Q\left( z \right)-{Q\left( w \right)}^{\ast }}{z-\bar{w}}$ has $\kappa$ negative squares. A focus is on the functions $Q \in \mathcal{N}_{\kappa} (\mathcal{H})$ which are holomorphic at $ \infty$. A new operator representation of the inverse function $\hat{Q}\left( z \right):=-{Q\left( z \right)}^{-1}$ is obtained under the condition that the derivative at infinity $Q^{'}\left( \infty\right):=\lim\limits_{z\to \infty}{zQ(z)}$ is boundedly invertible operator. It turns out that $\hat{Q}$ is the sum $\hat{Q}=\hat{Q}_{1}+\hat{Q}_{2},\, \, \hat{Q}_{i}\in \mathcal{N}_{\kappa_{i}}\left( \mathcal{H} \right)$ that satisfies $\kappa_{1}+\kappa_{2}=\kappa $. That decomposition enables us to study properties of both functions, $Q$ and $\hat{Q}$, by studying the simple components $\hat{Q}_{1}$ and $\hat{Q}_{2}$.
We provide a tool how one can view a polynomial on the affine plane of bidegree $(a,b)$ -- by which we mean that its Newton polygon lies in the triangle spanned by $(a,0)$, $(0,b)$ and the origin -- as a curve in a Hirzebruch surface having nice geometric properties. As an application, we study maximal $A_k$-singularities of curves of bidegree $(3,b)$ and find the answer for $b\leq 12$.
We establish necessary and sufficient conditions for boundedness of composition operators on the most general class of Hilbert spaces of entire Dirichlet series with real frequencies. Depending on whether or not the space being considered contains any nonzero constant function, different criteria for boundedness are developed. Thus, we complete the characterization of bounded composition operators on all known Hilbert spaces of entire Dirichlet series of one variable.
Hugo Steinhaus (1966a, b) has asked whether inside each acute angled triangle there is a point from which perpendiculars to the sides divide the triangle into three parts of equal areas. In this paper, we prove that $f:\mathbb{D} \rightarrow \mathbb{D}$ is a gyroisometry (hyperbolic isometry) if, and only if it is a continuous mapping that preserves the partition of a gyrotriangle (hyperbolic triangle) asked by Hugo Steinhaus.
We characterise those complete Kähler manifolds supporting a nonconstant real-valued function with critical points whose Hessian is nonnegative, complex linear, has pointwise two eigenvalues and whose gradient is a Hessian-eigenvector.
Existence and non-existence of integrable stationary solutions to Smoluchowski's coagulation equation with source are investigated when the source term is integrable with an arbitrary support in $(0,\infty)$. Besides algebraic upper and lower bounds, a monotonicity condition is required for the coagulation kernel. Connections between integrability properties of the source and the corresponding stationary solutions are also studied.
The goal of this article is to discuss controllability properties for an abstract linear system of the form $y' = A y + B u$ under some additional linear projection constraints on the control $u$ or / and on the controlled trajectory $y$. In particular, we discuss the possibility of imposing the linear projections of the control or / and controlled trajectory, in the context of approximate controllability, exact controllability and null-controllability. As it turns out, in all these settings, for being able to impose linear projection constraints on the control or / and the controlled trajectory, we will strongly rely on a unique continuation property for the adjoint system which, to our knowledge, has not been identified so far, and which does not seem classical. We shall therefore provide several instances in which this unique continuation property can be checked.
We introduce a new `geometric realization' of an (abstract) simplicial complex, inspired by probability theory. This space (and its completion) is a metric space, which has the right (weak) homotopy type, and which can be compared with the usual geometric realization through a natural map, which has probabilistic meaning: it associates to a random variable its probability mass function. This `probability law' map is proved to be a Serre fibration and an homotopy equivalence.
2019 volume 5
We give a new proof of the existence of a surjective symbol whose associated composition operator on $H^2 (\mathbb{D})$ is in all Schatten classes, with the improvement that its approximation numbers can be, in some sense, arbitrarily small. We show, as an application, that, contrary to the $1$-dimensional case, for $N \geq 2$, the behavior of the approximation numbers $a_n = a_n (C_\phi)$, or rather of {$\beta^-_N = \liminf_{n \to \infty} [a_n]^{1/ n^{1/ N}}$ or $\beta^+_N = \limsup_{n \to \infty} [a_n]^{1/ n^{1/ N}}$}, of composition operators on $H^2 (\mathbb{D}^N)$ cannot be determined by the image of the symbol.
If $\mathcal{D}$ is a Reedy category and $\mathcal{M}$ is a model category, the category $\mathcal{M}^{\mathcal{D}}$ of $\mathcal{D}$-diagrams in $\mathcal{M}$ is a model category under the Reedy model category structure. If $\mathcal{C} \to \mathcal{D}$ is a Reedy functor between Reedy categories, then there is an induced functor of diagram categories $\mathcal{M}^{\mathcal{D}} \to \mathcal{M}^{\mathcal{C}}$. Our main result is a characterization of the Reedy functors $\mathcal{C} \to \mathcal{D}$ that induce right or left Quillen functors $\mathcal{M}^{\mathcal{D}} \to \mathcal{M}^{\mathcal{C}}$ for every model category $\mathcal{M}$. We apply these results to various situations, and in particular show that certain important subdiagrams of a fibrant multicosimplicial object are fibrant.
In this paper, we consider the space of entire functions with normal type growth for a given proximate order and a continuous linear operator from such space into itself which is defined by a partial differential operator of infinite order. We will study corresponding partial differential equations with variable coefficients in the cases of regular singular type and of Korobeı̆nik type.
An increasing sequence of positive integers $(n_k)$ is said to be Jamison if whenever $T$ is a linear bounded operator on a complex separable Banach space, the following holds : \[\sup_{k}||T^{n_k}||<\infty \Rightarrow \sigma_{p}(T)\cap S^1 \text{ is countable}\] In this paper, we study certain perturbations on the set of Jamison sequences and prove a stability result.
We discuss the evaluation of convolution sums involving the divisor function, $\underset{\substack{ {(l,m)\in\mathbb{N}^{2}} \\ {\alpha\,l+\beta\,m=n} } }{\sum}\sigma(l)\sigma(m)$, for the class of levels $\alpha\beta$ belonging to all natural numbers. The evaluation of convolution sums belonging to this class is achieved by applying modular forms and primitive Dirichlet characters. We illustrate our method with the explicit examples for the levels $\alpha\beta=33$, $40$, $45$, $50$, $54$, and $56$. As a corollary, the known convolution sums for the levels $\alpha\beta=10$, $11$, $12$, $15$, $16$, $18$, $24$, $25$, $27$, $32$ and $36$ are improved when we revisit their evaluations. If the level $\alpha\beta\equiv 0 \pmod{4}$, we determine natural numbers $a,b$ and use the evaluated convolution sums together with other known convolution sums to carry out the number of representations of $n$ by the octonary quadratic forms $a\,\underset{i=1}{\overset{4}{\sum}}x_{i}^{2}+ b\,\underset{i=5}{\overset{8}{\sum}}x_{i}^{2}$. Similarly, if the level $\alpha\beta\equiv 0 \pmod{3}$, we compute natural numbers $c,d$ and make use of the evaluated convolution sums together with other known convolution sums to determine the number of representations of $n$ by the octonary quadratic forms $c\,\underset{i=1}{\overset{2}{\sum}}\,(\,x_{2i-1}^{2}+ x_{2i-1}x_{2i} + x_{2i}^{2}\,) + d\,\underset{i=3}{\overset{4}{\sum}}\,(\,x_{2i-1}^{2}+ x_{2i-1}x_{2i} + x_{2i}^{2}\,)$. In addition, we determine formulae for the number of representations of a positive integer $n$ when $(a,b)=(1,1)$, $(1,3)$, $(1,6)$, $(2,3)$.
Let $X$ be a Banach space and $K$ an absolutely convex, weak$^\ast$-compact subset of $X^\ast$. We study consequences of $K$ having a large or undefined Szlenk index and subsequently derive a number of related results concerning basic sequences and universal operators. We show that if $X$ has a countable Szlenk index then $X$ admits a subspace $Y$ such that $Y$ has a basis and the Szlenk indices of $Y$ are comparable to the Szlenk indices of $X$. If $X$ is separable, then $X$ also admits subspace $Z$ such that the quotient $X/Z$ has a basis and the Szlenk indices of $X/Z$ are comparable to the Szlenk indices of $X$. We also show that for a given ordinal $\xi$ the class of operators whose Szlenk index is not an ordinal less than or equal to $\xi$ admits a universal element if and only if $\xi<\omega_1$; W.B. Johnson's theorem that the formal identity map from $\ell_1$ to $\ell_\infty$ is a universal non-compact operator is then obtained as a corollary. Stronger results are obtained for operators having separable codomain.
2018 volume 4
We study in this paper the functional equation \[ \alpha \mathbf{u}(t)+\mathcal{C}\star(\chi \mathbf{u})(t)=\mathbf{f}(t) \] where $\alpha\in\mathbb{C}^{d\times d}$, $\mathbf{u},\mathbf{f}:\mathbb{R}\rightarrow\mathbb{C}^d$, $\mathbf{u}$ being unknown. The term $\mathcal{C}\star(\chi \mathbf{u})(t)$ denotes the discrete convolution of an almost zero matricial mapping $\mathcal{C}$ with discrete support together with the product of $\mathbf{u}$ and the characteristic function $\chi$ of a fixed segment. This equation combines some aspects of recurrence equations and/or delayed functional equations, so that we may construct a matricial based framework to solve it. We investigate existence, unicity and determination of the solution to this equation. In order to do this, we use some new results about linear independence of monomial words in matrix algebras.
By a recent work of Gran-Kadjo-Vercruysse, the category of cocommutative Hopf algebras over a field of characteristic zero is semi-abelian. In this paper, we explore some properties of this category, in particular we show that its abelian core is the category of commutative and cocommutative Hopf algebras.
We investigate the inverse problem of simultaneously estimating the state and the spatial diffusion coefficient for an age-structured population model. The time evolution of the population is supposed to be known on a subdomain in space and age. We generalize to the infinite dimensional setting an adaptive observer originally proposed for finite dimensional systems.
We discuss comparison principles, the asymptotic behaviour, and the occurrence of blow up phenomena for nonlinear parabolic problems involving the $p$--Laplacian operator of the form \[ \left\{\begin{array}{ll} \partial_t u=\Delta_p u+f(t,x,u)&\mbox{in}\ \Omega\ \mbox{ for }\ t>0,\\ \sigma \partial_t u+|\nabla u|^{p-2}\partial_\nu u=0&\mbox{on}\ \partial\Omega\ \mbox{ for }\ t>0,\\ u(0,\cdot)=u_0 &\mbox{in}\ \overline{\Omega},\\ \end{array}\right. \] where $\Omega$ is a bounded domain of ${\mathbb R}^N$ with Lipschitz boundary, and where \[\Delta_p u:={\mathrm div}\, \left(|\nabla u|^{p-2}\nabla u\right)\] is the $p$--{\itshape Laplacian} operator for $p>1$. As for the {\itshape dynamical} time lateral boundary condition $\sigma \partial_t u+|\nabla u|^{p-2}\partial_\nu u=0$ the coefficient $\sigma$ is assumed to be a nonnegative constant. In particular, the asymptotic behaviour in the large for the parameter dependent nonlinearity $f(\cdot,\cdot,u)=\lambda|u|^{q-2}u$ will be investigated by means of the evolution of associated norms.
Let $X$ be a hyperkähler variety, and assume $X$ has a non-symplectic automorphism $\sigma$ of order $>\frac{1}{2}\dim X$. Bloch's conjecture predicts that the quotient $X/<\sigma>$ should have trivial Chow group of $0$--cycles. We verify this for Fano varieties of lines on certain special cubic fourfolds having an order $3$ non-symplectic automorphism.
We continue our study of solutions to linear parabolic partial differential equations (PDEs) by means of an asymptotic method that is based on approximate Green functions. A substantial part of this method is devoted to constructing the approximate Green function. In this paper, we approximate the Green function (or heat kernel) by asymptotically developing it in a small parameter other than time. While the method is general, in order to better illustrate it, we concentrate on the $\lambda$-SABR partial differential equation (PDE for short), which we study in detail. The $\lambda$SABR PDE is a particular evolution PDE that arises in applications to stochastic volatility models (Hagan, Kumar, Lesniewski, and Woodward, Wilmott Magazine, 2002). Concretely, we study the generation and approximation of several semi-groups associated to the SABR PDE, some of which are non-standard because their generators are not uniformly elliptic and have unbounded coefficients. These type of generators appear also in the study of quasi-linear evolution equations. For some of the resulting semi-groups, we obtain explicit formulas by using a general technique based on solvable Lie groups that we develop in this paper. We thus obtain a simple, explicit approximation for the solution of the $\lambda$-SABR PDE and we prove explicit error bounds. In view of the potential applications, we have tried to make our paper as self-contained as reasonably possible.
We summarize our findings in the analysis of adaptive finite element methods for the efficient discretization of control constrained optimal control problems. We particularly focus on convergence of the adaptive method, i.e we show that the sequence of adaptively generated discrete solutions converges to the true solution. The result covers the variational discretization (Hinze) as well as control discretizations with piecewise discontinuous finite elements. Moreover, the presented theory can be applied to a large class of state equations, to boundary control and boundary observation.
The classical Hopf invariant is defined for a map $f\colon S^r \to X$. Here we define `hcat' which is some kind of Hopf invariant built with a construction in Ganea's style, valid for maps not only on spheres but more generally on a `relative suspension' $f\colon \Sigma_A W \to X$. We study the relation between this invariant and the sectional category and the relative category of a map. In particular, for $\iota_X\colon A\to X$ being the `restriction' of $f$ on $A$, we have ${\rm relcat}~\iota_X \leq {\rm hcat}~f \leq {\rm relcat}~ \iota_X +1$ and ${\rm relcat}~f \leq {\rm hcat}~f$.
2017 volume 3
We consider a multidimensional SDE with a Gaussian noise and a drift vector being a vector function of bounded variation. We prove the existence of generalized derivative of the solution with respect to the initial conditions and represent the derivative as a solution of a linear SDE with coefficients depending on the initial process. The obtained representation is a natural generalization of the expression for the derivative in the smooth case. In the proof we use the results on continuous additive functionals.
We study the structure of the space of coarse Lipschitz maps between Banach spaces. In particular we introduce the notion of norm attaining coarse Lipschitz maps. We extend to the case of norm attaining coarse Lipschitz equivalences, a result of G. Godefroy on Lipschitz equivalences. This leads us to include the non separable versions of classical results on the stability of the existence of asymptotically uniformly smooth norms under Lipschitz or coarse Lipschitz equivalences.
We characterize the limited operators by differentiability of convex continuous functions. Given Banach spaces $Y$ and $X$ and a linear continuous continuous operator $T: Y\longrightarrow X$, we prove that $T$ is a limited operator if and only if, for every convex continuous function $f: X \longrightarrow \mathbb{R}$ and every point $y\in Y$, $f\circ T$ is Fréchet differentiable at $y \in Y$ whenever $f$ is Gâteaux differentiable at $T(y)\in X$.
We provide further techniques to study the Dolbeault and Bott-Chern cohomologies of deformations of solvmanifolds by means of finite-dimensional complexes. By these techniques, we can compute the Dolbeault and Bott-Chern cohomologies of some complex solvmanifolds, and we also get explicit examples, showing in particular that either the $\partial\overline{\partial}$-Lemma or the property that the Hodge and Frölicher spectral sequence degenerates at the first level are not closed under deformations.
It is known for quite some time that the extension theorems play an important role in the homogenization of the periodic (heterogeneous) mediums. However, the construction of such extension operators depends on a reflection technique but for the functions in $H^{l,r}(\Omega_p^\varepsilon)$ $(l>2)$ this reflection technique is not so straightforward, and would lead to a rather cumbersome anaylsis. In this work, we will give a short overview of some extension operators mapping from $L^{r}(S;H^{l,r}(\Omega_p^\varepsilon))\cap H^{1,r}(S; H^{l,s}(\Omega_p^\varepsilon)^*) \to L^{r}(S;H^{l,r}(\Omega))\cap H^{1,r}(S; H^{l,s}(\Omega)^*)$ using a much simpler approach. This note also generalizes the previously known results to Lipschitz domains and for any $r\in \mathbb{N}$ such that (s.t.) $\frac{1}{r}+\frac{1}{s}=1$.
An MSTD set is a finite set of integers with more sums than differences. It is proved that, for infinitely many postivie integers $k$, there are infinitely many affinely inequivalent MSTD sets of cardinality $k$. There are several related open problems.
In this paper we prove that for any simplicial set $B$, there is a Quillen equivalence between the covariant model structure on $\mathbf{S}/B$ and a certain localization of the projective model structure on the category of simplicial presheaves on the simplex category $\Delta/B$ of $B$. We extend this result to give a new Quillen equivalence between this covariant model structure and the projective model structure on the category of simplicial presheaves on the simplicial category $\mathfrak{C}[B]$. We study the relationship with Lurie's straightening theorem. Along the way we also prove some results on localizations of simplicial categories and quasi-categories.
2016 volume 2
In this paper iteration stable (STIT) tessellations of the $d$-dimensional Euclidean space are considered. By a careful analysis of the capacity functional an alternative proof is given for the fact that STIT tessellations are mixing.
The invariant $\Theta$ is the simplest $3$--manifold invariant defined by counting graph configurations. It is actually an invariant of rational homology $3$--spheres $M$ equipped with a combing $X$ over the complement of a point, where a combing is a homotopy class of nowhere vanishing vector fields. The invariant $\Theta(M,X)$ is the sum of $6 \lambda(M)$ and $\frac{p_1(X)}{4}$, where $\lambda$ denotes the Casson-Walker invariant, and $p_1$ is an invariant of combings, which is an extension of a first relative Pontrjagin class, and which is simply related to a Gompf invariant $\theta_G$. In Lescop (2015), we proved a combinatorial formula for the $\Theta$--invariant in terms of decorated Heegaard diagrams. In this article, we study the variations of the invariants $p_1$ or $\theta_G$ when the decorations of the Heegaard diagrams that define the combings change, independently. Then we prove that the formula of Lescop (2015) defines an invariant of combed once punctured rational homology $3$--spheres without referring to configuration spaces. Finally, we prove that this invariant is the sum of $6 \lambda(M)$ and $\frac{p_1(X)}{4}$ for integer homology $3$--spheres, by proving surgery formulae both for the combinatorial invariant and for $p_1$.
We study an impartial avoidance game introduced by Anderson and Harary. The game is played by two players who alternately select previously unselected elements of a finite group. The first player who cannot select an element without making the set of jointly-selected elements into a generating set for the group loses the game. We develop criteria on the maximal subgroups that determine the nim-numbers of these games and use our criteria to study our game for several families of groups, including nilpotent, sporadic, and symmetric groups.
We study composition operators acting between $\mathcal{N}_p$-spaces in the unit ball in $\mathbb{C}^n$. We obtain characterizations of the boundedness and compactness of $C_{\varphi}:\mathcal{N}_p\longrightarrow\mathcal{N}_q$ for $p, q>0$.
In 2002, Fatiha Alabau, Piermarco Cannarsa and Vilmos Komornik investigated the extent of asymptotic stability of the null solution for weakly coupled partially damped equations of the second order in time. The main point is that the damping operator acts only on the first component and, whenever it is bounded, the coupling is not strong enough to produce an exponential decay in the energy space associated to the conservative part of the system. As a consequence, for initial data in the energy space, the rate of decay is not exponential. Due to the nature of the result it seems at first sight impossible to obtain the asymptotic stability result by the classical Liapunov method. Surprisingly enough, this turns out to be possible and we exhibit, under some compatibility conditions on the operators, an explicit class of Liapunov functions which allows to do 3 different things: \\ 1) When the problem is reduced to a stable finite dimensional space, we recover the exponential decay by a single differential inequality and we estimate the logarithmic decrement of the solutions with worst (slowest) decay. The estimate is optimal at least for some values of the parameters. \\ 2) We explain the form of the stability result obtained by the previous authors when the coupling operator is a multiple of the identity, so that the decay is not exponential.\\ 3) We obtain new exponential decay results when the coupling operator is strong enough (in particular unbounded). The estimate is again sharp for some solutions.
2015 volume 1
A metric compact space $M$ is seen as the closure of the union of a sequence $(M_n)$ of finite $\epsilon_n$-dense subsets. Extending to $M$ (up to a vanishing uniform distance) Banach-space valued Lipschitz functions defined on $M_n$, or defining linear continuous near-extension operators for real-valued Lipschitz functions on $M_n$, uniformly on $n$ is shown to be equivalent to the bounded approximation property for the Lipschitz-free space $\mathcal{F}(M)$ over $M$. Several consequences are spelled out.
This tutorial paper presents a survey of results, both classical and new, linking inner functions and operator theory.Topics discussed include invariant subspaces, universal operators, Hankel and Toeplitz operators, model spaces, truncated Toeplitz operators, restricted shifts, numerical ranges, and interpolation.
This subordination principle states roughly: if a property is true for Hardy spaces in some kind of domains in ${\mathbb{C}}^{n}$ then it is also true for the Bergman spaces of the same kind of domains in ${\mathbb{C}}^{n-1}.$ We give applications of this principle to Bergman-Carleson measures, interpolating sequences for Bergman spaces, $A^{p}$ Corona theorem and characterization of the zeros set of Bergman-Nevanlinna class. These applications give precise results for bounded strictly-pseudo convex domains and bounded convex domains of finite type in ${\mathbb{C}}^{n}.$
Let $d\geq 2$, $A \subset \mathbb{Z}^d$ be finite and not contained in a translate of any hyperplane, and $q \in \mathbb{Z}$ such that $|q| \geq 2$. We show $$|A+ q \cdot A| \geq (|q|+d+1)|A| - O(1).$$
We characterise smooth curve in a smooth cubic threefold whose blow-ups produce a weak-Fano threefold. These are curves $C$ of genus $g$ and degree $d$, such that (i) $2(d-5) \le g$ and $d\le 6$; (ii) $C$ does not admit a 3-secant line in the cubic threefold. Among the list of ten possible such types $(g,d)$, two yield Sarkisov links that are birational selfmaps of the cubic threefold, namely $(g,d) = (0,5)$ and $(2,6)$. Using the link associated with a curve of type $(2,6)$, we are able to produce the first example of a pseudo-automorphism with dynamical degree greater than $1$ on a smooth threefold with Picard number $3$. We also prove that the group of birational selfmaps of any smooth cubic threefold contains elements contracting surfaces birational to any given ruled surface.
Cet article est consacré à l'étude détaillée du vaste projet éditorial de Borel dans les années 1920 et 1930 autour des probabilités et de leurs applications. Après avoir rappelé quelques éléments sur la biographie de Borel et décrit la mise en place du projet, nous examinons les acteurs qui y ont participé pour mieux cerner le réseau que Borel a mis en place pour arriver à ses fins. Enfin, dans une troisième partie les fascicules du Traité sont aussi examinés individuellement afin de dessiner le contour du domaine probabiliste tel que Borel le concevait, dont nous montrons qu'il est en fait déjà obsolète au moment où la publication s'achève.
We are interested here in a birth-and-growth process where germs are born according to a Poisson point process with intensity measure invariant under space translations. The germs can be born in free space and then start growing until occupying the available space. In order to consider various ways of growing, we describe the crystals at each time through their geometrical properties. In this general framework, the crystallization process can be characterized by the random field giving for a point in the state space the first time this point is reached by a crystal. We prove under general conditions that this random field is mixing in the sense of ergodic theory and obtain estimates for the coefficient of absolute regularity.