GTEM Workshop Arithmetic of Curves and Covers
Lille, November 21-23, 2007


Niels Borne

Pierre Dèbes

Michel Emsalem


All GTEM members are welcome to participate in the workshop.

As usual for Gtem meetings, it is expected that each node covers its own expenses.

Non GTEM members are also welcome, please contact the organizers.

The organizers can take care of hotel reservation, please send the dates of your stay as soon as possible.



Abstracts 50 minute talks + 10 minute of questions
Wednesday November 21 2007
16h30--17h00 : Welcome coffee
17h00--18h00 : Bruno Deschamps Le groupe des unités d'un anneau de séries entières dans le cas fini
Thursday November 22 2007
10h00--10h30 : Coffee
10h30--11h30 : Sylvain Maugeais Courbes équivariantes et torseurs
11h45--12h45 :Jean Gillibert Structures logarithmiques et modules galoisiens
13h00--14h30 : Lunch
14h30--15h30 : Sylvain Brochard Champs algébriques et foncteur de Picard
15h45--16h45 : Anna Cadoret On uniform boundedness for twisted $p$-torsion on Abelian varieties (joint work with Akio Tamagawa)
16h45--17h15 : Coffee break
17h15--18h15 : Hiroaki Nakamura Braid configuration spaces and Mordell covers
Friday November 23 2007
9h00--10h00 : Dajano Tossici Extension of $\mathbb{Z}/p^2\mathbb{Z}$-torsors over a d.v.r. of unequal characteristic
10h05--11h05 : Jung-Kyu Canci The Arithmetic of Dynamical Systems and Moduli Spaces
11h15--11h45 : Coffee break
11h45--12h45 : Hidekazu Furusho Pentagon and hexagon equations of GT
13h00--14h30 : Lunch


If you arrive in Lille Europe station, first go to Lille Flandres station, either by subway, or by foot (it is just nearby). From Lille Flandres station, you need about twenty minutes to reach our department. Take the direct subway, direction "4 cantons", and get off at "cité scientifique". Once there you can follow in the same direction as the (aboveground) subway. You will soon see a building with a huge radio antenna on your right : it is the M1 building. Our department is just behind, in the M2 building. The workshop will take place in the M2 building, first floor, salle de réunions. Some maps.