French version

Dynamical Systems and Diophantine Approximations

Days: Monday 7 june, Tuesday 8 june, Wednesday morning 9 june.
Place: Amphithéâtre, Institute "Henri Poincaré", Paris.

Organised by
: Fran
çoise Dal'bo and Cornelia Drutu.

Please adress to Françoise Dal'bo  (dalbo``AT'' for inscription.
The deadline is 30 april.

The aim of this conference is to study the different ways in which the domain of Dynamical Systems and that of Diophantine Approximations are connected, and to emphasize the different methods and open problems.
The talks are intended for a large auditory.
Some financial support is available for PhD students and post-docs, upon demand.

Courses will be given by :

Y. Bugeaud (University of Strasbourg)
: Arithmetic point of vue.
N. Shah (Tata Institute, Bombay): Ergodic approach.
S. Troubetzkoy (University of Marseille): Billards and Diophantine Approximations.
S. Velani (University of York): 
Geometry of Numbers, Geodesic Flow.

There will also be complementary talks.

Speakers: A. Broise-Alamichel (Orsay), M. Dodson (University of York), D. Ferte (Rennes), M. Quéffelec (Lille), F. Maucourant (Lyon).

The list of titles and abstracts can be found here.
A schedule can be found here.
A list of participants can be found here.

Practical informations :
For housing information click here (note that people interested in the conference should make their own reservation).
Informations concerning travel :
   - How to get to Institute "Henri Poincaré"

Informations concerning Institute "Henri Poincaré":
library, cafeteria, etc.

F. Dal'bo, IRMAR, Université Rennes 1, Campus Beaulieu 35042 Rennes Cedex, France; Tel: (33) - (0)2 23 23 60 12 
E-mail : Fran
çoise Dal'bo (dalbo``AT''

C.  Drutu, UFR de Mathématiques, Université de Lille 1, 59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex, France;
Tel: (33) - (0)3 20 43 67 57; Fax : (33) - (0)3 20 43 43 02

E-mail : Cornelia Drutu (Cornelia.Drutu``AT''

The conference is financially supported by:

  • GDR CNRS 2569 "Théorie Ergodique"

  • Laboratoire de Mathématiques "Paul Painlevé",
    (UMR CNRS 8524)
    , Université de Lille I 

  • IRMAR (UMR CNRS 6625), Université de Rennes 1

  • Institute "Henri Poincaré"