Getaltheorie in het Vlakke land

Arithmétique en plat pays

APP 2013

Journées estivales de la Méthode Polynomiale

24-27 juin, 2013




Lieu : LPP, Salle de Réunion

When dealing with an interesting sequence, one of the standard approaches is to encode the sequence under consideration into a generating function. Sometimes this yields just a simplified way of expressing relations, sometimes methods from other parts of mathematics, mostly complex analysis, become applicable. Less known is the non-archemidean analogue of this approach, the so called polynomial method. To study an interesting finite set, we here encode this set into a polynomial, and apply theorems from algebraic geometry such as the combinatorial Nullstellensatz or the Chevalley-Warning-theorem. In finite geometry the first successful application known to us is due to Rédei, who constructed what is today known as the Rédei-polynomial while in additive combinatorics this method was used by Hamidoune and Alon among others. In recent conferences we noted that people working in finite geometry do not know about additive combinatorics and vice versa, and that the polynomial method was also successfully applied to other fields of discrete mathematics, in other words, that different circles used the same theorems in a similar way without knowing each other. It is the aim of the present conference to create contacts between these circles. While large parts of the archemidean theory can be formalized and largely mechanized, the polynomial method requires more skill in the construction of the polynomials and the interpretation of the results. This may come as a disappointment to the working mathematician, who cannot rely on a ready-made toolbox, on the other side it is encouraging as it increases the chances of surprising new proofs. We hope that the present conference helps increase these chances.


(Click on names for lectures)

  • Paul Baginski (Northampton)
  • Éric Balandraud (Paris)
  • Jan de Beule (Gand)
  • Arnaud Bodin (Lille)
  • Satwik Mukherjee (Lille)
  • Alain Plagne (Paris)
  • Christian Reiher (Hamburg)
  • Uwe Schauz (Suzhou)
  • Wolfgang A. Schmid (Paris)
  • Leo Storme (Gand)
  • Tamás Szőnyi (Budapest)
  • Programme


    Nous voudrions que tous les auditeurs s'inscrivent.

    Wij wensen dat alle deelnemers registreren.

    Contact : Gautami Bhowmik , Jan-Christoph Schlage-Puchta


    Colloques Voisins

    Théorie Analytique des nombres, Luminy
    28 ième Journées Arithmétiques, Grenoble
    Erdős Centennial, Budapest






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