BQR Lille 1    LPP    LPP    CEMPI   

Mathematical models for Epidemiology and Phylogenetics

May 30th-31st 2016

Université Lille 1 - Laboratoire Paul Painlevé

Amphi Bernoulli - Batiment M1 "Mathématiques"

Organizers: Viet Chi Tran (Lille)
Amaury Lambert (Paris 6 - Collège de France)

Program - Venue


Before April 30th 2016

Click here



The aim of the workshop is to bring together people from mathematics, epidemiology and informatics. The workshop will be structured around longer 'tutorials' and 'classical' talks.

The abstracts of the speakers are available here!

Monday, May 30th
10:30-13:00 Céline Poux (Tutorial 1):
Introduction to concepts and methods in molecular phylogenetics
14:30-15:30 Olivier Gascuel (Tutorial 2): Speed Dating using Least Squares
Vivian Kouri: HIV-1 viral variants circulating in Cuba. Implications for disease progression
Miraine Dávila Felipe: Joint likelihood of the reconstructed transmission tree and the epidemic size process via time reversal dualities.
Tuesday, May 31st
9:00-10:30 Erik Volz (Tutorial 3): Mathematical models for pathogen gene genealogies
Samantha Lycett: Inferring transmission patterns in animal disease systems using phylogenetics
Patrick Hoscheit: The Lambda-skyline process
14:30-15:30 Olivier Robineau: Phylogenetic cluster analysis as a tool to understand HIV transmission process : example from a Paris neighborhood
Philippe Lemey: Integrating covariates in phylodynamic processes of pathogen sequence and trait evolution


The workshop takes place in Amphitheater Bernoulli, Building "M1 - Mathématiques", Cité Scientifique, Université de Lille (1). See the map here.

From the train station Lille Flandres (train station Lille Europe is next to Lille Flandres, you have a 5 min walk between the two stations), take the Metro Line 1 in the direction 4 Cantons. Leave the metro at the stop Cité Scientifique - Pr. Gabillard.

Once out of the metro station, follow the direction of the library Lilliad, which is the white round building that you can see from the metro station. Following this road leads you to pass the "Café culturel" and you arrive to the building "M1 - Mathématiques".

In the building M1, go up the stairs to the main corridor. The Amphitheater Bernoulli is on the left.

The restaurant of the conference takes place at 19:30 on Monday 30th, at La Petite Cour.


Here are some suggestions of hotels in Lille, but there is a large choice of hotels in Lille:

Last modified: 14 Apr. 2016, Viet Chi Tran