Lectures series "Aspects of Singularities".
  • 1999, by Victor Goryunov
  • 2000, by Anatoly Libgober

     Year 2000 lectures, by Anatoly Libgober

    May: 11. Hours: 14h. Place: Salle Kampé de Fériet, M2.
    May: 12, 26. Hours: 15h. Place: Salle Duhem, M3.

    Series of lectures on :

    Topology of the complements to projective singular
    curves and hypersurfaces.

    The main problem in the topology of plane singular curves
    is the classification of families of curves with the same
    local type of singularities. Among invariants of such families
    are fundamental groups and the Alexander invariants of the
    complements. The goal of the series is to discuss main problems
    in the study of plane singular curves and how Alexander
    invariants depend on the local type of singularities and their
    geometry as a subset of the projective plane. It turns out that
    Alexander invariants of complements are affected by new Hodge
    theoretical invariants of local singularities. Some of the aspects
    of the theory of Alexander invariants can be extended to the study
    of hypersurfaces with isolated singularities in projective spaces
    yielding information about certain homotopy groups of the complements
    and their dependence on geometry of singularities.