en français

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Myriam Fradon

Statistics and Probability Team
CNRS Research Unit UMR 8524 Paul Painlevé
Mathématics Department
Faculty of Science, Lille University
Bât. M2, 59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex, France
Room 308, building M3, campus Cité Scientifique.
(+33) [0]3 20 43 66 94
Myriam dot Fradon at univ-lille dot fr

Research Teaching

spheres cluster


Research topics


Other Papers, Applied Papers, Diffusion of Mathematics

Co-author homepages : S. Roelly (Potsdam Universität), P. Cattiaux (Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse 3), A. Kulik (Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences), P. Heinrich (Université lille 1), H. Tanemura (Chiba University, Japan), A. Ayache (Université de Lille), A. Olenko (La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia), H. M. Alomari (La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia), M. Calciu (IAE, Université de Lille), F. Salerno (IAE, Université de Lille).

Simulations and visualisations

cluster de spheres Short animations simulating the behaviour of the above hard core dynamics.

Hard Brownian balls with pairwise attraction, converging toward the triangular lattice. In red, the mean energy of the interacting pairs (total interaction energy divided by the number of pairs). One particle in the energy landscape generated by the others : Convergence toward equilibrium (high density at low potential positions) for independent particles : Hardcore particles with smooth interaction : Pure hardcore : Close-up of a collision simulation :

Teaching and diffusion of mathematics

I currently have teaching activities for first, second, third and fourth year students. I gave lectures for fifth year students in the past.
I am also involved in a popularization of mathematics program for middle/high school students, in some mathematical activities for lawyers, etc.
My lectures are in French, and so are my teaching documents and other non-research documents : switch back to this page in French.