
Mini-cours de Steven Sam sur les algèbres tordues à Paris, mercredi 29 et jeudi 30 octobre 2014

Les quatre séances auront lieu à l'IHP, en salle 5, les mercredi 29 et jeudi 30 octobre 2014, de 10h30 à 12h30 et de 15h à 16h30.

Résumé : These series of lectures will be an overview of some recent joint work with Andrew Snowden. It will begin with an introduction to twisted commutative algebras and some results on the simplest twisted commutative algebra Sym(k<1>) (whose modules are FI-modules in the sense of Church, Ellenberg, Farb) and follow arXiv:1209.5122 and arXiv:1206.2233. Then I will explain some work on more general twisted commutative algebras from arXiv:1302.5859 and arXiv:1409.1670. I plan to include some motivations from representation stability and problems in commutative algebra.
