Recent publications (2004 – 2016)

·         Davydov Yu.,  Nagaev A., (2004) On the role played by extreme summands when a sum of i.i.d. random vectors is asymptotically $\alpha$-stable.

J. Appl. Probab. V. 41, pp. 437-454.

·         Davydov Yu.,  Zitikis R., (2004) Convex rearrangements of random elements.

Fields Institute Communications, V. 40, pp. 141-171.

·         Davydov Yu.,  Paulauskas V., (2004) Recent results on $p$-stable convex compact sets with applications.

Fields Institute Communications, V. 40, pp. 127-139.

·         Davydov Yu.,  Zitikis R., (2005) An index of monotonicity and its estimation: a step beyond econometric applications of the Gini index.

Metron - Intern. J. of Stat. V. VXIII, N 3, pp. 351-372.

·         Davydov Yu., Molchanov I., Zuev S., (2005) Strictly stable laws on convex cones.
( Preprint math.PR/0512196)

·         Davydov Yu., Breton J-Ch., (2005) Théorème limite local pour le sup de processus empiriques pour des variables aléatoires i.i.d.

Liet. Matem. rink.,45, pp. 457-478.

·         Davydov Yu., Egorov V. A., (2006) On convergence of empirical point processes.

Stat. and Probab. Letters. V. 76, 17, pp. 1836--1844.

·         Davydov Yu.,  Zitikis R., (2007) Deterministic noises that can be statistically distinguished from the random ones.

Stat. Infer. for Stoch. Proc., V. 10, pp.165--179.

·         Davydov Yu.,  Illig A., (2007) Mixing properties of geometrical cristallization processes.

CRAS, 345, pp. 583--586.

·         Davydov Yu., Khoshnevisan, D.,  Shi, Z. and Zitikis R., (2007) Convex rearrangements, generalized Lorenz curves, and correlated Gaussian data.

Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 137 , 915-934.

·         Bebbington, M.,  Davydov Yu.,  and Zitikis R., (2007) Estimating the renewal function when the second moment is infinite.

Stochastic Models, 23, 27-48.

·         Davydov Yu., Molchanov I., Zuev S., (2007) Strictly stable laws on convex cones.

CRAS, 344(5):321--326.

·         Davydov Yu., Tilly E., (2007) On convex rearrangements of Lévy processes.

ESAIM: Probab. and Statist., 11, pp. 161-172.

·         Davydov Yu.,  Breton . J-Ch., (2007) Local invariance principle for i.i.d. random variables.

Theor. Probab. and Appl. V. 51, 2, pp. 256--278.

·         Davydov Yu.,  Paulauskas V., (2008)  On estimation of parameters for spatial autoregression model.

Stat. Infer. for Stoch. Proc. V. 11, 3, pp.221--325.

·         Davydov Yu.,  Rotar V., (2008)  On a non-classical invariance principle.

Stat.Probab.Letters, V. 78, 14, pp. 2031--2038.

·         Davydov Yu.,  Molchanov I. and  Zuev S., (2008)  On strictly stable laws on convex cones.

EJP, V 13, pp. 259--321.

·         Davydov Yu.,  Zitikis R., (2008) On weak convergence of random fields.

Ann.Inst.Stat.Math. V. 60 (2), pp. 345--365.

·         Davydov Yu.,  Rotar V., (2009)  On asymptotic proximity of sequences of probability measures.

J. Teor. Probab., V. 22, 1, pp. 82--98.

·         Davydov Yu.,  Illig A., (2009)  Ergodic properties of crystallization processes.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences, V. 163, 4, pp. 375--381.

·         Davydov Yu.,  Banys P. and  Paulauskas V., (2010)  Remarks on SLLN for linear random fields.

Statistics and Probability Letters, V. 80, 5-6, pp.489--496.

·         Davydov Yu.,  Nagaev A. and Philippe A., (2010)  On peeling procedure applied to a Poisson point process,

Adv. in Appl. Prob., v.42, 3, pp. 620--630.

·         Davydov Yu.,  Stoica R. S., Liu S., Fouchard M., Vienne A. and Valsecchi G.B., (2010)  Order statistics and heavy-tailed distributions for planetary  perturbations on Oort cloud comets.

Astronomy and Astrophysics. ,  513, A14, pp. 1--9.

·         Davydov Yu.,  Lachieze-Rey R., (2011)  Rearrangements of Gaussian fields,

Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 121, pp. 2606-2628.

·         Davydov Yu.,  (2011)  On convex hulls of Gaussian samples.

Lithuanian Mathematical Journal, Vol. 51, No. 2, pp. 171-179.

·         Davydov Yu.,  Molchanov I. and Zuev S., (2011)  Stability for random measures, point processes and discrete semigroups.

Bernoulli, V. 17, 3, pp. 1015-1043.

·         Davydov Yu.,  (2011)  Remark on locally constant self-similar processes.

POMI seminars, v. 396, pp. 88-92. (see also J.Math.Sci., 188, 6, pp. 686-688.)

·         Davydov Yu.,  (2012)  On convex hull of d-dimensional fractional Brownian motion.

Statistics and Probability Letters, 82, No. 1, pp. 37-39.

·         Davydov Yu.,  Dombry C., (2012)  On the convergence of Le Page series in Skohorod space.

Statistics and Probability Letters, 82, pp. 145-150.

·         Davydov Yu.,  Dombry C., (2012)  Asymptotic behaviour of the convex hull of a stationary Gaussian process.

Lithuanian Mathematical Journal, 52, 4, pp.363-368.

·         Davydov Yu.,  Paulauskas V., (2013)  A simple approach in limit theorems for linear random processes and fields with continuous time.

Theory Probab. Appl. 57-4, pp. 589-606.

·         Davydov Yu.,  Paulauskas V., (2014)  On the asymptotic form of convex hulls of Gaussian fields.

Central Eropean J. of Mathematics, 12(5), pp. 711--720.

·         Davydov Yu.,  Dombry C., (2014)  Convex hulls of regularly varying processes.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences: 199, 2, Page 150-161. (see also :POMI seminairs, 408, pp. 154-174.)

·         Davydov Yu.,  Coupier D., (2014)  Random symmetrizations of convex bodies.

Adv.Appl.Prob., 46, 3, pp. 603-621.

·         Davydov Yu., (2015)  On convex hull and winding number of self-similar processes.

Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 441, pp. 154–162.

·         Davydov Yu.,  Illig A., (2015)  Mixing properties of crystallization processes.

North-Western European Journal of Mathematics, 1, pp. 169-191.