Univ Lille

Real Singularities in Spring
Journée organisée par le projet 'Singularities and Applications'
Mardi  26 mars 2024, Salle Visio, M3
13:30-14:20 Cezar Joita (Mathematical Institute of the Romanian Academy)  

Tame deformations of highly singular function germs

Abstract. We give analytic and algebraic conditions under which a deformation of real analytic functions with non-isolated singular locus are locally topologically trivial at the boundary.

14:30-15:20 Ying Chen (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)  

Fibrations of tamely composable maps

Abstract. We study composed map germs with respect to their local fibrations. Under most general conditions, inspired by the tameness condition introduced recently, we prove the existence of singular tube fibrations, and we determine the topology of the fibres.

15:30-16:20 Gabriel Monsalve (Universidade de Sao Paulo, Université de Lille)  

Global index of real polynomials

Abstract. We explain two methods for expressing the global index of the gradient of a 2 variable polynomial function f: in terms of the atypical fibres of f, and in terms of the clusters of Milnor arcs at infinity. We derive upper bounds for the global index.